[arch-general] snapcraft

riveravaldez riveravaldezmail at gmail.com
Fri Mar 19 15:22:54 UTC 2021

On 3/19/21, Zero via arch-general <arch-general at lists.archlinux.org> wrote:
> I am looking at the package Joplin to keep my notes in.

Just in case, Joplin is available in Flatpak through Flathub:


If I recall correctly the main difference between Flatpak and Snapcraft was
that Snapcraft has closed-source server-side controlled by Canonical,
meanwhile Flatpak is fully open (flathub.org is just the main/official repo)
and its containment was considered more secure, but I could be wrong.
I've been using Flatpak for some time now as a way to easily install some
software (Skype, for instance) in a more secure/controlled fashion for some
clients who needed it. It works fine, just takes a lot of space because it has
to download everything to work independently... Simple but not efficient.

Hopes this helps you in some way. Best regards!

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