[arch-general] pacsave for nouveau blacklist in nvidia-utils

Lone_Wolf lone_wolf at klaas-de-kat.nl
Sun May 8 10:22:24 UTC 2022

On 08-05-2022 00:45, The Puzzlemaker via arch-general wrote:
> I've found that when I need to keep nvidia-utils installed whilst still using nouveau (even while using the suggested method inhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/title/nouveau#Keep_NVIDIA_driver_installed) it gets overridden upon update of nvidia-utils.
> I believe the way to solve this would be to add a backup section in the PKGBUILD (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PKGBUILD#backup)? But I'm not entirely sure. This would be helpful, in my opinion, though, as it would prevent the blacklist from getting invisibly uncommented, and causing problems which may be hard to debug.

|neither pkgfile nor pacman -F can find any of those 3 files, they may 
not have been created by pacman .|

|run pacman -Qo on them to verify if they belong to any pacakge.|


|If they indeed are not owned by any package they're created in another 
way and you'll have to figure out what that way is.|

|A pacman hook is  a possibility, but neither nvidia nor nvidia-utils 
does appear to install a pacman hook .|





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