[arch-ports] Development with new Core Repo setup?

Armin Luntzer armin at archlinuxppc.org
Thu Sep 20 03:55:51 EDT 2007

Am Mittwoch, den 19.09.2007, 18:40 -0400 schrieb Zac Brown:
> So I haven't heard what it is we're doing yet with the new "core" repo 
> setup and such? Alex? Armin? Any thoughts or directives?

Ok, here's the current status of my preparations:

* I have written a nifty little script which should handle the
  shuffling of cvs entries and packages.

* Modified /arch/db* and webdb/interface scripts to work with
  core and <arch> tags in packagenames.

* Built new pacman, gcc & gcc-libs versions.

My thoughts on how to do the move:

* backup cvs-{extra,current} and scripts
* move new scripts in place
* create cvs-core, ftp-dir, ~/staging/core/{add,del}
* run my migration script (takes 5-20 min I guess)
* it will put the repos (core,extra) to /tmp, do a quick check
  and move them into place
* run /arch/db-{core,extra}.
* check core/{base,devel} packages for their correct groups,
  rebuild if necessary
* fix & release installer
* remove everything from current, put pacman, libarchive & libdownload
  packages with the <ppc> tag stripped from the pkgname in there to
  ensure backward-compatibility. This is a better solution than a 
  symlink to core imo.
* announce

How do we handle the various kernels (pmac,prep,powerstack)?
kernel26-pmac should go to base, will prep & powerstack have their own
core/kernels dir?


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