[arch-ports] August i686+dual ISOs available

Tyler Dence tyzoid.d at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 12:21:05 UTC 2017

> Is there any plan to provide a torrent download for the 32-bits ISO ?
> If you need any help, I'd be glad to provide it (whether is is the
> torrent file create the torrent file or to be among the first uploaders
> to have the files).

We had discussed this in the past, but haven't gotten around to it. If you
specify our mirrors as webseeds, then there shouldn't need to be a "first"
uploader, since there are always 3-4 seeds online. Archlinux mainline does
this to ensure reliability/speed, even if not many people are seeding via
torrent. Additionally, this would give the torrents via archlinux32 an
extra speed boost.

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