[arch-ports] How to report bug against whipper / accurateip-checksum

Eli Schwartz eschwartz at archlinux.org
Tue Jun 12 19:24:59 UTC 2018

On 06/12/2018 02:41 PM, Christian Keil wrote:
> Do you mean upstream on GitHub or upstream Archlinux?
> packages.archlinux32.org refers to both as upstream =).


The Arch Linux package will not receive i686-specific fixes, so
archlinux32 will need to patch this themselves.

> The issue on GitHub is still open and since there hasn't been any
> activity in the project since 2013, I don't expect the existing pull
> request to be accepted there. It was commented by leo-bogert in 2016
> but since then nothing happened. I just asked for progress on this.

Right, but the maintainer is still active on Github if not on this
specific project, so maybe he forgot, and you reminding him again will help.

> The Arch version of accuraterip-check declared itself to be arch x86_64
> but the Whipper version claims to be arch any so it might also be
> considered to be a bug there. There is no bug report there.

Whipper *uses* accuraterip-checksum, there is no bug in whipper. It's an
arch any package because it doesn't contain executable ELF files, so it
runs on any CPU.

> How would you suggest to proceed?

Try again to get upstream to fix it, then if that fails get your
downstream distro (archlinux32, not archlinux) to fix it.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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