[arch-proaudio] lmms not working with rt jack; vst and midi

David Runge dave at sleepmap.de
Tue Jan 22 19:11:17 UTC 2019

On 2019-01-13 21:52:06 (+0100), Orm Finnendahl wrote:
> For whatever reason when jackd (with jack version 1) starts up, it
> says it can't lock shared memory because a link/file is missing in
> /dev/shm/jack-1000/default/...  (which is true).
I have now tried to reproduce a failing lock of shared memory (an exact
error message and the exact flags given to jackd would have been very
helpful here).
What exact file is missing?
How do you start jackd? Which terminal emulator, which DE?
What does `prlimit` in the same terminal tell you?
It should be somehow similar to:

RESOURCE   DESCRIPTION                             SOFT      HARD UNITS
AS         address space limit                unlimited unlimited bytes
CORE       max core file size                 unlimited unlimited bytes
CPU        CPU time                           unlimited unlimited
DATA       max data size                      unlimited unlimited bytes
FSIZE      max file size                      unlimited unlimited bytes
LOCKS      max number of file locks held      unlimited unlimited locks
MEMLOCK    max locked-in-memory address space unlimited unlimited bytes
MSGQUEUE   max bytes in POSIX mqueues            819200    819200 bytes
NICE       max nice prio allowed to raise             0         0 
NOFILE     max number of open files                1024      4096 files
NPROC      max number of processes               128186    128186
RSS        max resident set size              unlimited unlimited bytes
RTPRIO     max real-time priority                    98        98 
RTTIME     timeout for real-time tasks        unlimited unlimited
SIGPENDING max number of pending signals         128186    128186
STACK      max stack size                       8388608 unlimited bytes

I really recommend using the realtime-privileges package and the
realtime group for configuring this.

> Jack works but obviously the locked shared memory isn't working/used
> (as the lmms error also indicates). You can probably try this yourself
> by replacing jack2 with jack, tell it to use locked memory and start
> it up.
When you are writing 'locked shared memory isn't working/used', do you
refer to using the '-u' flag to jackd or the memory required for the
implied '-R' flag?
I tried this and without it, but neither jack nor lmms gives me that
error (I ran it verbosely with my internal card, similar to this, with
and without '-u' flag):

/usr/bin/jackd -P80 -p 512 -u -v -d alsa -d hw:PCH,0 -n 2 -p 1024 -r

> The file layout with jack2 is different: There is no directory tree
> named /dev/shm/jack-1000/default/ anymore, but all files are created
> directly in /dev/shm/ called jack_default_1000_0, jack-1000-0, ...
Yes, that's correct.

Is your issue maybe related to incomplete limits configuration? I can
not reproduce this... sorry.


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