[arch-projects] [mkinitcpio PATCH 1/3] /run/initramfs: copy the whole ramfs

Thomas Bächler thomas at archlinux.org
Thu Nov 17 13:23:09 EST 2011

Am 17.11.2011 18:07, schrieb Tom Gundersen:
> I see two potential issues: boot speed and memory use. Moving stuff
> around in memory should be pretty much instantaneous, and the memory
> (a couple of MB) will be swapped out quick enough so it shouldn't make
> a difference.
> I'd be happy to write a new patch where this is optional, but I don't
> think we should optimize for stuff unless we know it is a measurable
> problem.

Depending on what's in there, it could be big. For example, I once wrote
a hook that extracted a tarfile that was stored inside initramfs (that
tarfile was the whole root filesystem IIRC).

Other than that, people WILL complain.

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