[arch-projects] [devtools] [PATCH 2/2] makechrootpkg: Fix anti-pattern when checking for enabled features

Eli Schwartz eschwartz at archlinux.org
Sun Sep 3 07:08:49 UTC 2017

On 09/01/2017 11:56 PM, Luke Shumaker wrote:
>> This invokes an extra process as opposed to a simple value comparison,
> That's not quite true:
>     $ type true
>     true is a shell builtin
>     $ type false
>     false is a shell builtin

Ah, true enough. :o

I maybe should get out of the habit of submitting brand-new patches on
the spur of the moment right before going offline for the weekend.

Still, implementation-defined behavior...
bash includes several things that shouldn't be builtins, though this
isn't one of them. e.g. the horrible `kill` implementation which should
always be disabled. coreutils/builtins clashes are so annoying. :(

Eli Schwartz

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