[arch-releng] [archiso] patches for recent changes in core

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi vmlinuz386 at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Jun 22 21:33:06 EDT 2010


My archiso branch is update to make it functionally with recent changes in [core].


* [syslinux-iso] update package list (linux-firmware)
* [archiso] Make it compatible with latest mkinitcpio.

Also there are three pending patches:

* [syslinux-iso] Add comment about IPAPPEND option 
* [syslinux-iso] fix wrong commented value from previous commit 
* [syslinux-iso] comment IPAPPEND option in isolinux.cfg 

Good Luck!

PS: Sorry I sending in this way (webmail) because my ISP recently blocked without any advice the "external SMTP" service for all users. Grrrrr!!!


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