[arch-releng] [PATCH 1/2] Renamed mdraid_is_raid to device_is_raid

pyther at pyther.net pyther at pyther.net
Sun Jan 23 17:55:33 EST 2011

device_is_raid now uses dev major number to determine if a device is a
raid device. A major ID of 8 is a /dev/sd? device whereas a major ID of
9 is a 'metadata' (raid) device.
 src/core/libs/lib-blockdevices-filesystems.sh |   20 ++++++--------------
 src/core/libs/lib-ui-interactive.sh           |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/core/libs/lib-blockdevices-filesystems.sh b/src/core/libs/lib-blockdevices-filesystems.sh
index 8573b19..8451f15 100644
--- a/src/core/libs/lib-blockdevices-filesystems.sh
+++ b/src/core/libs/lib-blockdevices-filesystems.sh
@@ -919,20 +919,12 @@ get_blockdevice_size ()
 # $1 blockdevice (ex: /dev/md0 or /dev/sda1)
-# return true when blockdevice is an md raid, otherwise return a unset value
-    local israid
-    if [ -z $1 ]; then
-        # Don't call mdadm on empty blockdevice parameter!
-        israid=""
-    elif [ "$(mdadm --query $1 | cut -d':' -f2)" == " is not an md array" ]; then
-        israid=""
-    else
-        israid=true
-    fi
-    echo $israid
+# All MD RAID block devices have a major id of 9
+device_is_raid() {
+    [[ $1 && -f /proc/mdstat ]] || return 1
+    local devmajor=$(stat -c %t "$1")
+    (( devmajor == 9 ))
 # $1 md raid blockdevice (ex: /dev/md0)
 # return the array member device which is slave 0 in the given array
diff --git a/src/core/libs/lib-ui-interactive.sh b/src/core/libs/lib-ui-interactive.sh
index 881af90..829556a 100644
--- a/src/core/libs/lib-ui-interactive.sh
+++ b/src/core/libs/lib-ui-interactive.sh
@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ interactive_grub() {
         bootdev=$(mount | grep $var_TARGET_DIR/boot | cut -d' ' -f 1)
 		# check if bootdev or PART_ROOT is on a md raid array
         # This dialog is only shown when we detect / or /boot on a raid device.
-		if [ -n "$(mdraid_is_raid $bootdev)" -o -n "$(mdraid_is_raid $PART_ROOT)" ]; then
+		if device_is_raid $bootdev || device_is_raid $PART_ROOT; then
 			ask_yesno "Do you have your system installed on software raid?\nAnswer 'YES' to install grub to another hard disk." no
 			if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then

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