[arch-releng] btrfs fs can now be used "directly" in AIF

Dieter Plaetinck dieter at plaetinck.be
Tue May 17 16:18:53 EDT 2011

We've discussed in detail why we should discourage users from doing this
(although I actually only heard Anthony raise his concerns) - see 

It's turning out impractical to expect any kind of support for such advanced btrfs schemes (where we somehow enforce or even just support subvolumes) in AIF.
So for now I just allow users to use the btrfs directly.
See commit https://github.com/Dieterbe/aif/commit/281b49fd3dd0984805a9dc435d1a2c36c675eb4d

This will at least enable people to actually use and test btrfs.


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