[arch-releng] [PATCH 2/3] [archiso] Add archiso_pxe_curl hook

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi vmlinuz386 at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Nov 23 17:36:51 EST 2011

On 11/23/2011 06:54 PM, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> Am 23.11.2011 22:01, schrieb Dieter Plaetinck:
>> On Wed, 23 Nov 2011 21:02:55 +0100
>> Thomas Bächler<thomas at archlinux.org>  wrote:
>>> Can we also have an extracted version of
>>> the netinstall-dual image on releng, instead of only the ISO?
>> Sure, if archiso delivers an "extracted variant", it's fairly trivial for me to track them like I track iso's right now, as long as the naming is somewhat similar
>>> Also: when can we get an image on releng that contains this hook?
>> The releng env is currently set to build every 4 days.  And it should auto-update archiso from git IIRC
> Gerardo didn't push these patches to archiso.git yet. That's why I asked.

These patches are waiting for next mkinitcpio + pending RFC patch to fix 
BASEDIR (Or I can just say "good-bye" to -b BASEDIR and use chroot 

Also I want to change a bit the directory structure of the ISO to be 
more pxelinux friendly.
This is a change that I want to do long long time ago, but breaks "the 
nice scheme" (syslinux only files in one place, kernel/initramfs in 

Basically now we have this inside install_dir (arch) ($archisobasedir)

├── aitab
├── any
│ └── *.sfs
├── boot
│ ├── i686
│ │ ├── archiso.img
│ │ └── vmlinuz
│ ├── memtest
│ ├── memtest.COPYING
│ └── syslinux
│ ├── hdt
│ │ ├── modalias.gz
│ │ └── pciids.gz
│ ├── memdisk
│ ├── splash.png
│ ├── syslinux.cfg
│ ├── *.0
│ ├── *.com
│ └── *.c32
├── checksum.md5
└── i686
└── *.sfs

And make it PXE friendly is:

├── aitab
├── any
│ └── *.sfs
├── syslinux
│ ├── arch
│ │ └── boot
│ │ ├── i686
│ │ │ ├── archiso.img
│ │ │ └── vmlinuz
│ │ ├── memtest
│ │ └── memtest.COPYING
│ ├── hdt
│ │ ├── modalias.gz
│ │ └── pciids.gz
│ ├── pxelinux.cfg
│ │ └── default
│ ├── memdisk
│ ├── splash.png
│ ├── syslinux.cfg
│ ├── *.0
│ ├── *.com
│ └── *.c32
├── checksum.md5
└── i686
└── *.sfs

bah, is still nice...

is there any objections?

We can start a TFTP/FTP/HTTP/NFS that points directly to 
/run/archiso/bootmnt from the live-enviroment. Or just extract/mount the 
ISO in a running system ;)

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi
\cos^2\alpha + \sin^2\alpha = 1

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