[arch-releng] [archiso] handle number of inodes

Christian Hesse list at eworm.de
Thu Dec 6 08:05:13 EST 2012

Hello everybody,

I came across a problem with my own live media. When placing directories
with a lot of directories and small files inside a dedicated filesystem it is
created with about 50% used size, but more than 90% indoes are used. This
triggers errors when updating or installing software inside the live system.

I have created a small patch that calculates the number of inodes, so about
50% are used. This fixes my problem, additionally this should decrease size
of media if a lot less than 50% inodes were used otherwise.

This is quick and dirty, so feel free to modify it to your preferences. I
think you got the idea. ;)
main(a){char*c=/*    Schoene Gruesse                         */"B?IJj;MEH"
"CX:;",b;for(a/*    Chris           get my mail address:    */=0;b=c[a++];)
putchar(b-1/(/*               gcc -o sig sig.c && ./sig    */b/42*2-3)*42);}

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