[arch-releng] Logout and exit

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at gmail.com
Sat Dec 2 23:02:40 UTC 2017


I run the Mate desktop, and I just wonder if there is a way to set it up to
not ask any annoying questions when logging  out and exiting by clicking
Logout or Exit (Quit?) in the System menu. If I click Quit I want to quit,
otherwise I wouldn't click it, no need for stupid questions there.

I also wonder how to set the date and time format properly in the upper
panel, in my case ISO-8601, like right now: 2017-12-02 23:54:45.
I've tried using dconf with absolutely no success. All I get is something
like "No schemes found, blah blah blah…" (in Swedish – maybe I didn't
translate it correctly). I don't even know what a ”scheme” is in this case
Setting time format was very easy at the login screen, but Mate doesn't
seem to like that users customise it.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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