[arch-releng] Verbose

David Runge dave at sleepmap.de
Wed Aug 26 20:14:01 UTC 2020

On 2020-08-01 08:05:31 (+0100), Mr Green wrote:
> Could the verbose option be streamlined in build.sh?
> Currently we have:
> # Packages (airootfs)
> make_packages() {
>     if [[ "${gpg_key}" ]]; then
>       gpg --export "${gpg_key}" > "${work_dir}/gpgkey"
>       exec 17<>"${work_dir}/gpgkey"
>     fi
>     if [ -n "${verbose}" ]; then
>         ARCHISO_GNUPG_FD="${gpg_key:+17}" mkarchiso -v -w
> "${work_dir}/x86_64" -C "${work_dir}/pacman.conf" -D "${install_dir}" \
>             -p "$(grep -h -v '^#' "${script_path}/packages.x86_64"| sed
> ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g')" install
>     else
>         ARCHISO_GNUPG_FD="${gpg_key:+17}" mkarchiso -w "${work_dir}/x86_64"
> -C "${work_dir}/pacman.conf" -D "${install_dir}" \
>             -p "$(grep -h -v '^#' "${script_path}/packages.x86_64"| sed
> ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g')" install
>     fi
>     if [[ "${gpg_key}" ]]; then
>       exec 17<&-
>     fi
> }
> In place of the -v could you not just have ${verbose} this would remove 5
> lines of code (if statement) plus many other statements in script?
> MrG

FWIW, we have just (v47.1) deprecated the build.sh scripts in favor of
profiles. They will be removed with v49.

While in the past few months nl6720 and I have started to refactor and
streamline large portions of the code base we also strive to have full
shellcheck linting support. This was the main reason for a few instances
of code duplication before those were made obsolete by refactoring.

Anyways, I hope that the profiles will allow a much more straight
forward customization experience to the user. It's not fully fleshed
out yet, but I hope that the two standard profiles already stand for
themselves and are able to showcase the possibilities.


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