[aur-dev] [PATCH] Implemented typeahead suggest

Marcel Korpel marcel.lists at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 16:23:45 EST 2012

 web/html/home.php                  |  19 ++-
 web/html/index.php                 |   4 +
 web/html/js/bootstrap-typeahead.js | 311 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 web/lib/aurjson.class.php          |  22 ++-
 4 files changed, 354 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 web/html/js/bootstrap-typeahead.js

diff --git a/web/html/home.php b/web/html/home.php
index 4e489ba..0b51d55 100644
--- a/web/html/home.php
+++ b/web/html/home.php
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ $dbh = db_connect();
 				<label for="pkgsearch-field"><?= __('Package Search') ?>:</label>
 				<input type="hidden" name="O" value="0" />
-				<input type="text" name="K" size="30" value="<?php if (isset($_REQUEST["K"])) { print stripslashes(trim(htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST["K"], ENT_QUOTES))); } ?>" maxlength="35" />
+				<input id="pkgsearch-field" type="text" name="K" size="30" value="<?php if (isset($_REQUEST["K"])) { print stripslashes(trim(htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST["K"], ENT_QUOTES))); } ?>" maxlength="35" />
@@ -107,5 +107,22 @@ $dbh = db_connect();
+<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/bootstrap-typeahead.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+$(document).ready(function() {
+    $('#pkgsearch-field').typeahead({
+        source: function(query, callback) {
+            $.getJSON('<?= get_uri('/rpc'); ?>', {type: "suggest", arg: query}, function(data) {
+                callback(data);
+            });
+        },
+        matcher: function(item) { return true; },
+        sorter: function(items) { return items; },
+        menu: '<ul class="pkgsearch-typeahead"></ul>',
+        items: 20
+    }).attr('autocomplete', 'off');
diff --git a/web/html/index.php b/web/html/index.php
index a197d0b..c51f409 100644
--- a/web/html/index.php
+++ b/web/html/index.php
@@ -118,6 +118,10 @@ if (!empty($tokens[1]) && '/' . $tokens[1] == get_pkg_route()) {
 		header("Content-Type: image/png");
 		include "./$path";
+	case "/js/bootstrap-typeahead.js":
+		header("Content-Type: application/javascript");
+		include "./$path";
+		break;
 		header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
 		include "./404.php";
diff --git a/web/html/js/bootstrap-typeahead.js b/web/html/js/bootstrap-typeahead.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bb0355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/html/js/bootstrap-typeahead.js
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+/* =============================================================
+ * bootstrap-typeahead.js v2.2.1
+ * http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#typeahead
+ * =============================================================
+ * Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============================================================ */
+  "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
+  * ================================= */
+  var Typeahead = function (element, options) {
+    this.$element = $(element)
+    this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.typeahead.defaults, options)
+    this.matcher = this.options.matcher || this.matcher
+    this.sorter = this.options.sorter || this.sorter
+    this.highlighter = this.options.highlighter || this.highlighter
+    this.updater = this.options.updater || this.updater
+    this.$menu = $(this.options.menu).appendTo('body')
+    this.source = this.options.source
+    this.shown = false
+    this.listen()
+  }
+  Typeahead.prototype = {
+    constructor: Typeahead
+  , select: function () {
+      var val = this.$menu.find('.active').attr('data-value')
+      this.$element
+        .val(this.updater(val))
+        .change()
+      return this.hide()
+    }
+  , updater: function (item) {
+      return item
+    }
+  , show: function () {
+      var pos = $.extend({}, this.$element.offset(), {
+        height: this.$element[0].offsetHeight
+      })
+      this.$menu.css({
+        top: pos.top + pos.height
+      , left: pos.left
+      })
+      this.$menu.show()
+      this.shown = true
+      return this
+    }
+  , hide: function () {
+      this.$menu.hide()
+      this.shown = false
+      return this
+    }
+  , lookup: function (event) {
+      var items
+      this.query = this.$element.val()
+      if (!this.query || this.query.length < this.options.minLength) {
+        return this.shown ? this.hide() : this
+      }
+      items = $.isFunction(this.source) ? this.source(this.query, $.proxy(this.process, this)) : this.source
+      return items ? this.process(items) : this
+    }
+  , process: function (items) {
+      var that = this
+      items = $.grep(items, function (item) {
+        return that.matcher(item)
+      })
+      items = this.sorter(items)
+      if (!items.length) {
+        return this.shown ? this.hide() : this
+      }
+      return this.render(items.slice(0, this.options.items)).show()
+    }
+  , matcher: function (item) {
+      return ~item.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase())
+    }
+  , sorter: function (items) {
+      var beginswith = []
+        , caseSensitive = []
+        , caseInsensitive = []
+        , item
+      while (item = items.shift()) {
+        if (!item.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase())) beginswith.push(item)
+        else if (~item.indexOf(this.query)) caseSensitive.push(item)
+        else caseInsensitive.push(item)
+      }
+      return beginswith.concat(caseSensitive, caseInsensitive)
+    }
+  , highlighter: function (item) {
+      var query = this.query.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&')
+      return item.replace(new RegExp('(' + query + ')', 'ig'), function ($1, match) {
+        return '<strong>' + match + '</strong>'
+      })
+    }
+  , render: function (items) {
+      var that = this
+      items = $(items).map(function (i, item) {
+        i = $(that.options.item).attr('data-value', item)
+        i.find('a').html(that.highlighter(item))
+        return i[0]
+      })
+      items.first().addClass('active')
+      this.$menu.html(items)
+      return this
+    }
+  , next: function (event) {
+      var active = this.$menu.find('.active').removeClass('active')
+        , next = active.next()
+      if (!next.length) {
+        next = $(this.$menu.find('li')[0])
+      }
+      next.addClass('active')
+    }
+  , prev: function (event) {
+      var active = this.$menu.find('.active').removeClass('active')
+        , prev = active.prev()
+      if (!prev.length) {
+        prev = this.$menu.find('li').last()
+      }
+      prev.addClass('active')
+    }
+  , listen: function () {
+      this.$element
+        .on('blur',     $.proxy(this.blur, this))
+        .on('keypress', $.proxy(this.keypress, this))
+        .on('keyup',    $.proxy(this.keyup, this))
+      if (this.eventSupported('keydown')) {
+        this.$element.on('keydown', $.proxy(this.keydown, this))
+      }
+      this.$menu
+        .on('click', $.proxy(this.click, this))
+        .on('mouseenter', 'li', $.proxy(this.mouseenter, this))
+    }
+  , eventSupported: function(eventName) {
+      var isSupported = eventName in this.$element
+      if (!isSupported) {
+        this.$element.setAttribute(eventName, 'return;')
+        isSupported = typeof this.$element[eventName] === 'function'
+      }
+      return isSupported
+    }
+  , move: function (e) {
+      if (!this.shown) return
+      switch(e.keyCode) {
+        case 9: // tab
+        case 13: // enter
+        case 27: // escape
+          e.preventDefault()
+          break
+        case 38: // up arrow
+          e.preventDefault()
+          this.prev()
+          break
+        case 40: // down arrow
+          e.preventDefault()
+          this.next()
+          break
+      }
+      e.stopPropagation()
+    }
+  , keydown: function (e) {
+      this.suppressKeyPressRepeat = !~$.inArray(e.keyCode, [40,38,9,13,27])
+      this.move(e)
+    }
+  , keypress: function (e) {
+      if (this.suppressKeyPressRepeat) return
+      this.move(e)
+    }
+  , keyup: function (e) {
+      switch(e.keyCode) {
+        case 40: // down arrow
+        case 38: // up arrow
+        case 16: // shift
+        case 17: // ctrl
+        case 18: // alt
+          break
+        case 9: // tab
+        case 13: // enter
+          if (!this.shown) return
+          this.select()
+          break
+        case 27: // escape
+          if (!this.shown) return
+          this.hide()
+          break
+        default:
+          this.lookup()
+      }
+      e.stopPropagation()
+      e.preventDefault()
+  }
+  , blur: function (e) {
+      var that = this
+      setTimeout(function () { that.hide() }, 150)
+    }
+  , click: function (e) {
+      e.stopPropagation()
+      e.preventDefault()
+      this.select()
+      this.$element.focus()
+    }
+  , mouseenter: function (e) {
+      this.$menu.find('.active').removeClass('active')
+      $(e.currentTarget).addClass('active')
+    }
+  }
+   * =========================== */
+  $.fn.typeahead = function (option) {
+    return this.each(function () {
+      var $this = $(this)
+        , data = $this.data('typeahead')
+        , options = typeof option == 'object' && option
+      if (!data) $this.data('typeahead', (data = new Typeahead(this, options)))
+      if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
+    })
+  }
+  $.fn.typeahead.defaults = {
+    source: []
+  , items: 8
+  , menu: '<ul class="typeahead dropdown-menu"></ul>'
+  , item: '<li><a></a></li>'
+  , minLength: 1
+  }
+  $.fn.typeahead.Constructor = Typeahead
+  * ================== */
+  $(document).on('focus.typeahead.data-api', '[data-provide="typeahead"]', function (e) {
+    var $this = $(this)
+    if ($this.data('typeahead')) return
+    e.preventDefault()
+    $this.typeahead($this.data())
+  })
diff --git a/web/lib/aurjson.class.php b/web/lib/aurjson.class.php
index 949c34f..d58cec1 100644
--- a/web/lib/aurjson.class.php
+++ b/web/lib/aurjson.class.php
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ include_once("aur.inc.php");
 class AurJSON {
     private $dbh = false;
     private static $exposed_methods = array(
-        'search', 'info', 'multiinfo', 'msearch'
+        'search', 'info', 'multiinfo', 'msearch', 'suggest'
     private static $fields = array(
         'Packages.ID', 'Name', 'Version', 'CategoryID', 'Description', 'URL',
@@ -276,5 +276,25 @@ class AurJSON {
         return $this->process_query('msearch', $where_condition);
+    /**
+     * Get all package names that start with $search.
+     * @param $search Search string.
+     * @return string The JSON formatted response data.
+     **/
+    private function suggest($search) {
+        $query = 'SELECT Name FROM Packages WHERE Name LIKE ' .
+            $this->dbh->quote(addcslashes($search, '%_') . '%') .
+            ' ORDER BY Name ASC LIMIT 20';
+        $result = $this->dbh->query($query);
+        $result_array = array();
+        if ($result) {
+            $result_array = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
+        }
+        return json_encode($result_array);
+    }

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