[aur-dev] [PATCH v2 07/10] Add sshd setup instructions

Lukas Fleischer archlinux at cryptocrack.de
Sat Dec 27 11:51:43 UTC 2014

Signed-off-by: Lukas Fleischer <archlinux at cryptocrack.de>
 INSTALL                                            | 108 ++++-----------
 .../0001-Patch-sshd-for-the-AUR.patch              | 152 +++++++++++++++++++++
 scripts/git-integration/sshd_config                |   6 +
 3 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 scripts/git-integration/0001-Patch-sshd-for-the-AUR.patch
 create mode 100644 scripts/git-integration/sshd_config

diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index cbb9f44..b198997 100644
@@ -1,96 +1,42 @@
-Setup on Arch Linux:
-1) Install Apache, MySQL, PHP, git and php-pear
-  # pacman -Syu apache mysql php git php-pear
+Setup on Arch Linux
-2) Set a local 'hostname' of 'aur'
- - Edit /etc/hosts and append 'aur' to loopback address
-    localhost aur
+1) Clone the AUR project:
-3) Configure Apache
- - Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and enable PHP support
-   by adding the following lines.
-   LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so
-   Include conf/extra/php5_module.conf
- - Also append the following snippet to enable the aur
-   Virtual Host in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf.
-	 Comment out the example vhosts and replace MYUSER with your username.
-	 (You could put aur in /srv/http/aur and then create a symlink in ~ )
-   <VirtualHost aur:80>
-   Servername    aur
-   DocumentRoot  /home/MYUSER/aur/web/html
-   ErrorLog    /var/log/httpd/aur-error.log
-   CustomLog   /var/log/httpd/aur-access.log combined
-     <Directory /home/MYUSER/aur/web/html>
-       Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
-       AllowOverride All
-       Order allow,deny
-       Allow from all
-     </Directory>
-   </VirtualHost>
- - In httpd.conf, uncomment this line:
-   Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
-4) Clone the AUR project (using the MYUSER from above)
-   $ cd
+   $ cd /srv/http/
    $ git clone git://projects.archlinux.org/aur.git
-5) Configure PHP
-   Make sure you have mysql and json enabled in PHP.
- - Edit php.ini and uncomment/add this line:
-   extension=pdo_mysql.so
-   If this PHP extension is a separate package on your system, install it.
+2) Setup a web server with PHP and MySQL.
-6) Configure MySQL
- - Start the MySQL service. Example:
-   # systemctl start mysqld
+3) Copy conf/config.proto to conf/config and adjust the configuration.
- - Create database
-   # mysqladmin -p create AUR
+4) Create a new MySQL database and a user and import the AUR SQL schema:
- - Connect to the mysql client
-   $ mysql -uroot -p AUR
+   $ mysql -uaur -p AUR </srv/http/aur/schema/aur-schema.sql
- - Issue the following commands to the mysql client
-   mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON AUR.* to aur at localhost
-       -> identified by 'aur';
-   mysql> quit
+5) Clone the OpenSSH project, apply the AUR sshd patch and run `make`:
- - Load the schema file
-   $ mysql -uaur -p AUR < ~/aur/schema/aur-schema.sql
-   (give password 'aur' at the prompt)
+   $ cd /srv/http/aur/
+   $ git clone git://anongit.mindrot.org/openssh.git
+   $ cd openssh
+   $ git am ../scripts/git-integration/0001-Patch-sshd-for-the-AUR.patch
+   $ autoreconf
+   $ ./configure
+   $ make
- - Optionally load some test data for development purposes.
-   # pacman -S words fortune-mod
-   $ cd ~/aur/schema/
-   $ python gendummydata.py dummy-data.sql
-   $ bzip2 dummy-data.sql
-   $ bzcat dummy-data.sql.bz2 | mysql -uaur -p AUR
-   (give password 'aur' at the prompt)
+6) Create and edit the sshd configuration:
-   If your test data consists of real people and real email addresses consider
-   inserting bogus addressess to avoid sending unwanted spam from testing. You
-   can insert garbage addresses with:
-   mysql> UPDATE Users SET Email = RAND() * RAND();
+   $ cd /srv/http/aur/
+   $ umask 077
+   $ mkdir .ssh/
+   $ ssh-keygen -f .ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -N '' -t rsa
+   $ cp scripts/git-integration/sshd_config .ssh/
-7) Copy the config.inc.php.proto file to config.inc.php. Modify as needed.
-   $ cd ~/aur/web/lib/
-   $ cp config.inc.php.proto config.inc.php
+7) Create a new user and change ownership of the .ssh directory:
-   In case you set $USE_VIRTUAL_URLS to true (default nowadays) you should add
-   a rewrite rule. For Apache, add this ~/aur/web/html/.htaccess:
+   # useradd -U -d /srv/http/aur -c 'AUR user' aur
+   # chown aur:aur /srv/http/aur/.ssh/
-   RewriteEngine on
-   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index.php
-   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1
+8) Run the sshd as the new user.
-8) Point your browser to http://aur
+   $ /srv/http/aur/openssh/sshd -f /srv/http/aur/.ssh/sshd_config
diff --git a/scripts/git-integration/0001-Patch-sshd-for-the-AUR.patch b/scripts/git-integration/0001-Patch-sshd-for-the-AUR.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b72712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/git-integration/0001-Patch-sshd-for-the-AUR.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+From e23745b61a46f034bca3cab9936c24c249afdc7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lukas Fleischer <archlinux at cryptocrack.de>
+Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 22:17:48 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Patch sshd for the AUR
+* Add SSH_KEY_FINGERPRINT and SSH_KEY variables to the environment of
+  the AuthorizedKeysCommand which allows for efficiently looking up SSH
+  keys in the AUR database.
+* Remove the secure path check for the AuthorizedKeysCommand. We are
+  running the sshd under a non-privileged user who has as little
+  permissions as possible. In particular, he does not own the directory
+  that contains the scripts for the Git backend.
+* Prevent from running the sshd as root.
+Signed-off-by: Lukas Fleischer <archlinux at cryptocrack.de>
+ auth2-pubkey.c | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
+ ssh.h          | 12 ++++++++++++
+ sshd.c         |  5 +++++
+ sshd_config.5  |  5 +++++
+ 4 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/auth2-pubkey.c b/auth2-pubkey.c
+index 0a3c1de..baf4922 100644
+--- a/auth2-pubkey.c
++++ b/auth2-pubkey.c
+@@ -510,6 +510,8 @@ user_key_command_allowed2(struct passwd *user_pw, Key *key)
+ 	int status, devnull, p[2], i;
+ 	pid_t pid;
+ 	char *username, errmsg[512];
++	struct sshbuf *b = NULL, *bb = NULL;
++	char *keytext, *uu = NULL;
+ 	if (options.authorized_keys_command == NULL ||
+ 	    options.authorized_keys_command[0] != '/')
+@@ -538,11 +540,6 @@ user_key_command_allowed2(struct passwd *user_pw, Key *key)
+ 		    options.authorized_keys_command, strerror(errno));
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
+-	if (auth_secure_path(options.authorized_keys_command, &st, NULL, 0,
+-	    errmsg, sizeof(errmsg)) != 0) {
+-		error("Unsafe AuthorizedKeysCommand: %s", errmsg);
+-		goto out;
+-	}
+ 	if (pipe(p) != 0) {
+ 		error("%s: pipe: %s", __func__, strerror(errno));
+@@ -568,6 +565,47 @@ user_key_command_allowed2(struct passwd *user_pw, Key *key)
+ 		for (i = 0; i < NSIG; i++)
+ 			signal(i, SIG_DFL);
++		keytext = key_fingerprint(key, SSH_FP_MD5, SSH_FP_HEX);
++		if (setenv(SSH_KEY_FINGERPRINT_ENV_NAME, keytext, 1) == -1) {
++			error("%s: setenv: %s", __func__, strerror(errno));
++			_exit(1);
++		}
++		if (!(b = sshbuf_new()) || !(bb = sshbuf_new())) {
++			error("%s: sshbuf_new: %s", __func__, strerror(errno));
++			_exit(1);
++		}
++		if (sshkey_to_blob_buf(key, bb) != 0) {
++			error("%s: sshkey_to_blob_buf: %s", __func__,
++			    strerror(errno));
++			_exit(1);
++		}
++		if (!(uu = sshbuf_dtob64(bb))) {
++			error("%s: sshbuf_dtob64: %s", __func__,
++			    strerror(errno));
++			_exit(1);
++		}
++		if (sshbuf_putf(b, "%s ", sshkey_ssh_name(key))) {
++			error("%s: sshbuf_putf: %s", __func__,
++			    strerror(errno));
++			_exit(1);
++		}
++		if (sshbuf_put(b, uu, strlen(uu) + 1)) {
++			error("%s: sshbuf_put: %s", __func__,
++			    strerror(errno));
++			_exit(1);
++		}
++		if (setenv(SSH_KEY_ENV_NAME, sshbuf_ptr(b), 1) == -1) {
++			error("%s: setenv: %s", __func__, strerror(errno));
++			_exit(1);
++		}
++		if (uu)
++			free(uu);
++		if (b)
++			sshbuf_free(b);
++		if (bb)
++			sshbuf_free(bb);
+ 		if ((devnull = open(_PATH_DEVNULL, O_RDWR)) == -1) {
+ 			error("%s: open %s: %s", __func__, _PATH_DEVNULL,
+ 			    strerror(errno));
+diff --git a/ssh.h b/ssh.h
+index c94633b..411ea86 100644
+--- a/ssh.h
++++ b/ssh.h
+@@ -97,3 +97,15 @@
+ /* Listen backlog for sshd, ssh-agent and forwarding sockets */
+ #define SSH_LISTEN_BACKLOG		128
++ * Name of the environment variable containing the incoming key passed
++ * to AuthorizedKeysCommand.
++ */
++ * Name of the environment variable containing the incoming key fingerprint
++ * passed to AuthorizedKeysCommand.
++ */
+diff --git a/sshd.c b/sshd.c
+index 4e01855..60c676f 100644
+--- a/sshd.c
++++ b/sshd.c
+@@ -1424,6 +1424,11 @@ main(int ac, char **av)
+ 	av = saved_argv;
+ #endif
++	if (geteuid() == 0) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "this is a patched version of the sshd that must not be run as root.\n");
++		exit(1);
++	}
+ 	if (geteuid() == 0 && setgroups(0, NULL) == -1)
+ 		debug("setgroups(): %.200s", strerror(errno));
+diff --git a/sshd_config.5 b/sshd_config.5
+index ef36d33..1d7bade 100644
+--- a/sshd_config.5
++++ b/sshd_config.5
+@@ -223,6 +223,11 @@ It will be invoked with a single argument of the username
+ being authenticated, and should produce on standard output zero or
+ more lines of authorized_keys output (see AUTHORIZED_KEYS in
+ .Xr sshd 8 ) .
++The key being used for authentication (the key's type and the key text itself,
++separated by a space) will be available in the
++environment variable, and the fingerprint of the key will be available in the
++.Ev SSH_KEY_FINGERPRINT environment variable.
+ If a key supplied by AuthorizedKeysCommand does not successfully authenticate
+ and authorize the user then public key authentication continues using the usual
+ .Cm AuthorizedKeysFile
diff --git a/scripts/git-integration/sshd_config b/scripts/git-integration/sshd_config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbe3578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/git-integration/sshd_config
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Port 2222
+HostKey ~/.ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
+PasswordAuthentication no
+UsePrivilegeSeparation no
+AuthorizedKeysCommand /srv/http/aur/scripts/git-integration/git-auth.py
+AuthorizedKeysCommandUser aur

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