[aur-dev] [PATCH v2 1/5] git: Use .format everywhere instead of %

Johannes Löthberg johannes at kyriasis.com
Tue Jun 23 08:55:07 UTC 2015

% formatting is deprecated, and .format should be used instead.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Löthberg <johannes at kyriasis.com>
 git-interface/aurinfo.py    | 18 +++++++++---------
 git-interface/git-serve.py  | 26 +++++++++++++-------------
 git-interface/git-update.py | 38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 3 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/git-interface/aurinfo.py b/git-interface/aurinfo.py
index 86d0705..201f864 100644
--- a/git-interface/aurinfo.py
+++ b/git-interface/aurinfo.py
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class AurInfo(object):
 class StderrECatcher(object):
     def Catch(self, lineno, error):
-        print('ERROR[%d]: %s' % (lineno, error), file=sys.stderr)
+        print('ERROR[{:d}]: {:s}'.format(lineno, error), file=sys.stderr)
 class CollectionECatcher(object):
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ def ParseAurinfoFromIterable(iterable, ecatcher=None):
                 key, value = map(str.strip, line.split('=', 1))
             except ValueError:
-                ecatcher.Catch(lineno, 'unexpected header format in section=%s' %
-                    current_package['pkgname'])
+                ecatcher.Catch(lineno, 'unexpected header format in section={:s}'.format(
+                               current_package['pkgname']))
             if key == 'pkgbase':
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def ParseAurinfoFromIterable(iterable, ecatcher=None):
                 key, value = map(str.strip, line.split('=', 1))
             except ValueError:
                 ecatcher.Catch(lineno, 'unexpected attribute format in '
-                               'section=%s' % current_package['pkgname'])
+                                       'section={:s}'.format(current_package['pkgname']))
             if IsMultiValued(key):
                 if not current_package.get(key):
@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ def ParseAurinfoFromIterable(iterable, ecatcher=None):
                     current_package[key] = value
                     ecatcher.Catch(lineno, 'overwriting attribute '
-                                   '%s: %s -> %s' % (key, current_package[key],
-                                                     value))
+                                           '{:s}: {:s} -> {:s}'.format(key,
+                                           current_package[key], value))
     return aurinfo
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ def ValidateAurinfo(filename='.AURINFO'):
     ParseAurinfo(filename, ecatcher)
     errors = ecatcher.Errors()
     for error in errors:
-        print('error on line %d: %s' % error, file=sys.stderr)
+        print('error on line {:d}: {:s}'.format(error), file=sys.stderr)
     return not errors
@@ -196,13 +196,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     if action == 'parse':
         aurinfo = ParseAurinfo()
         for pkgname in aurinfo.GetPackageNames():
-            print(">>> merged package: %s" % pkgname)
+            print(">>> merged package: {:s}".format(pkgname))
     elif action == 'validate':
         sys.exit(not ValidateAurinfo(filename))
-        print('unknown action: %s' % action)
+        print('unknown action: {:s}'.format(action))
 # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4:
diff --git a/git-interface/git-serve.py b/git-interface/git-serve.py
index 26aa02d..02086e0 100755
--- a/git-interface/git-serve.py
+++ b/git-interface/git-serve.py
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def list_repos(user):
     cur.execute("SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Username = %s ", [user])
     userid = cur.fetchone()[0]
     if userid == 0:
-        die('%s: unknown user: %s' % (action, user))
+        die('{:s}: unknown user: {:s}'.format(action, user))
     cur.execute("SELECT Name, PackagerUID FROM PackageBases " +
                 "WHERE MaintainerUID = %s ", [userid])
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ def list_repos(user):
 def create_pkgbase(pkgbase, user):
     if not re.match(repo_regex, pkgbase):
-        die('%s: invalid repository name: %s' % (action, pkgbase))
+        die('{:s}: invalid repository name: {:s}'.format(action, pkgbase))
     if pkgbase_exists(pkgbase):
-        die('%s: package base already exists: %s' % (action, pkgbase))
+        die('{:s}: package base already exists: {:s}'.format(action, pkgbase))
     db = mysql.connector.connect(host=aur_db_host, user=aur_db_user,
                                  passwd=aur_db_pass, db=aur_db_name,
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def create_pkgbase(pkgbase, user):
     cur.execute("SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Username = %s ", [user])
     userid = cur.fetchone()[0]
     if userid == 0:
-        die('%s: unknown user: %s' % (action, user))
+        die('{:s}: unknown user: {:s}'.format(action, user))
     cur.execute("INSERT INTO PackageBases (Name, SubmittedTS, ModifiedTS, " +
                 "SubmitterUID, MaintainerUID) VALUES (%s, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), " +
@@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ def check_permissions(pkgbase, user):
     return cur.fetchone()[0] > 0
 def die(msg):
-    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % (msg))
+    sys.stderr.write("{:s}\n".format(msg))
 def die_with_help(msg):
-    die(msg + "\nTry `%s help` for a list of commands." % (ssh_cmdline))
+    die(msg + "\nTry `{:s} help` for a list of commands.".format(ssh_cmdline))
 user = sys.argv[1]
 cmd = os.environ.get("SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND")
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ if enable_maintenance:
 if action == 'git-upload-pack' or action == 'git-receive-pack':
     if len(cmdargv) < 2:
-        die_with_help("%s: missing path" % (action))
+        die_with_help("{:s}: missing path".format(action))
     path = cmdargv[1].rstrip('/')
     if not path.startswith('/'):
@@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ if action == 'git-upload-pack' or action == 'git-receive-pack':
         path = path + '.git'
     pkgbase = path[1:-4]
     if not re.match(repo_regex, pkgbase):
-        die('%s: invalid repository name: %s' % (action, pkgbase))
+        die('{:s}: invalid repository name: {:s}'.format(action, pkgbase))
     if not pkgbase_exists(pkgbase):
         create_pkgbase(pkgbase, user)
     if action == 'git-receive-pack':
         if not check_permissions(pkgbase, user):
-            die('%s: permission denied: %s' % (action, user))
+            die('{:s}: permission denied: {:s}'.format(action, user))
     os.environ["AUR_USER"] = user
     os.environ["AUR_PKGBASE"] = pkgbase
@@ -145,13 +145,13 @@ if action == 'git-upload-pack' or action == 'git-receive-pack':
     os.execl(git_shell_cmd, git_shell_cmd, '-c', cmd)
 elif action == 'list-repos':
     if len(cmdargv) > 1:
-        die_with_help("%s: too many arguments" % (action))
+        die_with_help("{:s}: too many arguments".format(action))
 elif action == 'setup-repo':
     if len(cmdargv) < 2:
-        die_with_help("%s: missing repository name" % (action))
+        die_with_help("{:s}: missing repository name".format(action))
     if len(cmdargv) > 2:
-        die_with_help("%s: too many arguments" % (action))
+        die_with_help("{:s}: too many arguments".format(action))
     create_pkgbase(cmdargv[1], user)
 elif action == 'help':
     die("Commands:\n" +
@@ -161,4 +161,4 @@ elif action == 'help':
         "  git-receive-pack     Internal command used with Git.\n" +
         "  git-upload-pack      Internal command used with Git.")
-    die_with_help("invalid command: %s" % (action))
+    die_with_help("invalid command: {:s}".format(action))
diff --git a/git-interface/git-update.py b/git-interface/git-update.py
index 41a3474..980b9d0 100755
--- a/git-interface/git-update.py
+++ b/git-interface/git-update.py
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ def save_srcinfo(srcinfo, db, cur, user):
         pkginfo = srcinfo.GetMergedPackage(pkgname)
         if 'epoch' in pkginfo and int(pkginfo['epoch']) > 0:
-            ver = '%d:%s-%s' % (int(pkginfo['epoch']), pkginfo['pkgver'],
-                                pkginfo['pkgrel'])
+            ver = '{:d}:{:s}-{:s}'.format(int(pkginfo['epoch']), pkginfo['pkgver'],
+                                          pkginfo['pkgrel'])
-            ver = '%s-%s' % (pkginfo['pkgver'], pkginfo['pkgrel'])
+            ver = '{:s}-{:s}'.format(pkginfo['pkgver'], pkginfo['pkgrel'])
         for field in ('pkgdesc', 'url'):
             if not field in pkginfo:
@@ -166,14 +166,14 @@ def save_srcinfo(srcinfo, db, cur, user):
 def die(msg):
-    sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % (msg))
+    sys.stderr.write("error: {:s}\n".format(msg))
 def die_commit(msg, commit):
     sys.stderr.write("error: The following error " +
                      "occurred when parsing commit\n")
-    sys.stderr.write("error: %s:\n" % (commit))
-    sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % (msg))
+    sys.stderr.write("error: {:s}:\n".format(commit))
+    sys.stderr.write("error: {:s}\n".format(msg))
 if len(sys.argv) != 4:
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ for commit in walker:
         if not isinstance(blob, pygit2.Blob):
-            die_commit("not a blob object: %s" % (treeobj), commit.id)
+            die_commit("not a blob object: {:s}".format(treeobj), commit.id)
         if blob.size > 250000:
             die_commit("maximum blob size (250kB) exceeded", commit.id)
@@ -239,37 +239,37 @@ for commit in walker:
     if errors:
         sys.stderr.write("error: The following errors occurred "
                          "when parsing .SRCINFO in commit\n")
-        sys.stderr.write("error: %s:\n" % (commit.id))
+        sys.stderr.write("error: {:s}:\n".format(commit.id))
         for error in errors:
-            sys.stderr.write("error: line %d: %s\n" % error)
+            sys.stderr.write("error: line {:d}: {:s}\n".format(error))
     srcinfo_pkgbase = srcinfo._pkgbase['pkgname']
     if not re.match(repo_regex, srcinfo_pkgbase):
-        die_commit('invalid pkgbase: %s' % (srcinfo_pkgbase), commit.id)
+        die_commit('invalid pkgbase: {:s}'.format(srcinfo_pkgbase), commit.id)
     for pkgname in srcinfo.GetPackageNames():
         pkginfo = srcinfo.GetMergedPackage(pkgname)
         for field in ('pkgver', 'pkgrel', 'pkgname'):
             if not field in pkginfo:
-                die_commit('missing mandatory field: %s' % (field), commit.id)
+                die_commit('missing mandatory field: {:s}'.format(field), commit.id)
         if 'epoch' in pkginfo and not pkginfo['epoch'].isdigit():
-            die_commit('invalid epoch: %s' % (pkginfo['epoch']), commit.id)
+            die_commit('invalid epoch: {:s}'.format(pkginfo['epoch']), commit.id)
         if not re.match(r'[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.+_-]*$', pkginfo['pkgname']):
-            die_commit('invalid package name: %s' % (pkginfo['pkgname']),
+            die_commit('invalid package name: {:s}'.format(pkginfo['pkgname']),
         for field in ('pkgname', 'pkgdesc', 'url'):
             if field in pkginfo and len(pkginfo[field]) > 255:
-                die_commit('%s field too long: %s' % (field, pkginfo[field]),
+                die_commit('{:s} field too long: {:s}'.format(field, pkginfo[field]),
         for field in ('install', 'changelog'):
             if field in pkginfo and not pkginfo[field] in commit.tree:
-                die_commit('missing %s file: %s' % (field, pkginfo[field]),
+                die_commit('missing {:s} file: {:s}'.format(field, pkginfo[field]),
         for field in extract_arch_fields(pkginfo, 'source'):
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ for commit in walker:
             if "://" in fname or "lp:" in fname:
             if not fname in commit.tree:
-                die_commit('missing source file: %s' % (fname), commit.id)
+                die_commit('missing source file: {:s}'.format(fname), commit.id)
 srcinfo_raw = repo[repo[sha1_new].tree['.SRCINFO'].id].data.decode()
 srcinfo_raw = srcinfo_raw.split('\n')
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ srcinfo = aurinfo.ParseAurinfoFromIterable(srcinfo_raw)
 srcinfo_pkgbase = srcinfo._pkgbase['pkgname']
 if srcinfo_pkgbase != pkgbase:
-    die('invalid pkgbase: %s' % (srcinfo_pkgbase))
+    die('invalid pkgbase: {:s}'.format(srcinfo_pkgbase))
 pkgbase = srcinfo._pkgbase['pkgname']
 cur.execute("SELECT ID FROM PackageBases WHERE Name = %s", [pkgbase])
@@ -296,12 +296,12 @@ for pkgname in srcinfo.GetPackageNames():
     pkgname = pkginfo['pkgname']
     if pkgname in blacklist:
-        die('package is blacklisted: %s' % (pkginfo['pkgname']))
+        die('package is blacklisted: {:s}'.format(pkginfo['pkgname']))
     cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Packages WHERE Name = %s AND " +
                 "PackageBaseID <> %s", [pkgname, pkgbase_id])
     if cur.fetchone()[0] > 0:
-        die('cannot overwrite package: %s' % (pkgname))
+        die('cannot overwrite package: {:s}'.format(pkgname))
 save_srcinfo(srcinfo, db, cur, user)

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