[aur-dev] [PATCH] Display (reverse) optional dependencies as "Required by"

Lukas Fleischer lfleischer at archlinux.org
Thu Jun 25 07:22:21 UTC 2015

Also, change pkg_required() such that the returned array has the same
structure as the result of pkg_dependencies().

Fixes FS#45452.

Signed-off-by: Lukas Fleischer <lfleischer at archlinux.org>
 web/lib/pkgfuncs.inc.php     | 13 ++++++++-----
 web/template/pkg_details.php |  9 +++------
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/web/lib/pkgfuncs.inc.php b/web/lib/pkgfuncs.inc.php
index f03134c..110290b 100644
--- a/web/lib/pkgfuncs.inc.php
+++ b/web/lib/pkgfuncs.inc.php
@@ -179,10 +179,11 @@ function pkg_relations($pkgid) {
  * @param string $cond The package dependency condition string
  * @param string $arch The package dependency architecture
  * @param int $pkg_id The package of the package to display the dependency for
+ * @param bool $show_desc Whether the description of optdepends is shown
  * @return string The HTML code of the label to display
-function pkg_depend_link($name, $type, $cond, $arch, $pkg_id) {
+function pkg_depend_link($name, $type, $cond, $arch, $pkg_id, $show_desc=true) {
 	if ($type == 'optdepends' && strpos($name, ':') !== false) {
 		$tokens = explode(':', $name, 2);
 		$name = $tokens[0];
@@ -221,7 +222,7 @@ function pkg_depend_link($name, $type, $cond, $arch, $pkg_id) {
 		$link .= ')';
-		if ($type == 'optdepends') {
+		if ($show_desc && $type == 'optdepends') {
 			$link .= ' – ' . htmlspecialchars($desc) . ' </em>';
 		$link .= '</em>';
@@ -285,9 +286,11 @@ function pkg_required($name="") {
 	$deps = array();
 	if ($name != "") {
 		$dbh = DB::connect();
-		$q = "SELECT DISTINCT p.Name, PackageID FROM PackageDepends pd ";
-		$q.= "JOIN Packages p ON pd.PackageID = p.ID ";
-		$q.= "WHERE DepName = " . $dbh->quote($name) . " ";
+		$q = "SELECT p.Name, dt.Name, '' AS DepCondition, pd.DepArch, p.ID FROM PackageDepends pd ";
+		$q.= "LEFT JOIN Packages p ON p.ID = pd.PackageID ";
+		$q.= "LEFT JOIN DependencyTypes dt ON dt.ID = pd.DepTypeID ";
+		$q.= "WHERE pd.DepName = " . $dbh->quote($name) . " ";
+		$q.= "OR SUBSTRING(pd.DepName FROM 1 FOR POSITION(': ' IN pd.DepName) - 1) = " . $dbh->quote($name) . " ";
 		$q.= "ORDER BY p.Name";
 		$result = $dbh->query($q);
 		if (!$result) {return array();}
diff --git a/web/template/pkg_details.php b/web/template/pkg_details.php
index 1e2b9a5..6864431 100644
--- a/web/template/pkg_details.php
+++ b/web/template/pkg_details.php
@@ -359,12 +359,9 @@ endif;
 			<h3><?= __('Required by') . " (" . count($requiredby) . ")"?></h3>
 <?php if (count($requiredby) > 0): ?>
 			<ul id="pkgreqslist">
-	# darr: (PackageName, PackageID)
-	while (list($k, $darr) = each($requiredby)):
-				<li><a href="<?= htmlspecialchars(get_pkg_uri($darr[0]), ENT_QUOTES); ?>" title="<?= __('View packages details for').' ' . htmlspecialchars($darr[0]) ?>"><?= htmlspecialchars($darr[0]) ?></a></li>
-	<?php endwhile; ?>
+				<?php while (list($k, $darr) = each($requiredby)): ?>
+				<li><?= pkg_depend_link($darr[0], $darr[1], $darr[2], $darr[3], $darr[4], false); ?></li>
+				<?php endwhile; ?>
 <?php endif; ?>

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