[PATCH] Create aurweb.spawn for spawing the test server

Lukas Fleischer lfleischer at archlinux.org
Mon May 4 00:21:22 UTC 2020

On Sun, 19 Apr 2020 at 14:11:02, Frédéric Mangano-Tarumi wrote:
> This program makes it easier for developers to spawn the PHP server
> since it fetches automatically what it needs from the configuration
> file, rather than having the user explicitly pass arguments to the php
> executable.
> When the setup gets more complicated as we introduce Python,
> aurweb.spawn will keep providing the same interface, while under the
> hood it is planned to support running multiple sub-processes.
> Its Python interface provides an way for the test suite to spawn the
> test server when it needs to perform HTTP requests to the test server.
> The current implementation is somewhat weak as it doesn\u2019t detect when a
> child process dies, but this is not supposed to happen often, and it is
> only meant for aurweb developers.
> In the long term, aurweb.spawn will eventually become obsolete, and
> replaced by Docker or Flask\u2019s tools.
> ---
>  TESTING              |   7 +--
>  aurweb/spawn.py      | 107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  conf/config.defaults |   3 ++
>  3 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 aurweb/spawn.py

Merged into pu, thanks!

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