[aur-general] pkgbuild from aur deleted

Jan de Groot jan at jgc.homeip.net
Mon Dec 10 11:47:56 EST 2007

On Mon, 2007-12-10 at 17:54 +0200, fancris3 wrote:
> One of my pkgbuild (libzip) from aur was deleted.
> I didn't receve any email explaining the reason but i found this pkgbuild  
> in extra::
> http://cvs.archlinux.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/lib/libzip/PKGBUILD?rev=1.1&cvsroot=Extra&only_with_tag=CURRENT&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup
> I didn't receve an email , i'm not in the contribuitor line , i feel like  
> i don't exist :)

this happens quite often when developers create new packages from proto
files and don't look at AUR. When I create new packages, I take a look
in AUR to see if there's a reasonable looking PKGBUILD already. If it's
usable, I use it and give credit to the creator. In this case, I think
Tobias overlooked your AUR package and created a new one himselves.

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