[aur-general] TU Candidate

Andrea bash bash.lnx at gmail.com
Fri Feb 29 03:48:41 EST 2008


2008/2/28, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych at gmail.com>:
> Hehe, I wonder how Andrea could hold packages with 30-50 votes that no
>  TU has grabbed yet. :-P

2008/2/29, Allan McRae <mcrae_allan at hotmail.com>:
> I had a quick look through Andrea's packages and they look good.  As
>  Roman said, there are a few that deserve to be in community.

Yes, sure. I'm interested to maintain the packages that the people
request by voting, not only (some of) my. This mean that I will look (
if I will be a TU ) on packages that are orphaned by recent abandon.

>  He has some nice Arch Linux wallpapers on his web site too....  :)
Eheh, Do you like? ;)

Linux User: #430842

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