[aur-general] Trusted User Application

Sebastian Nowicki sebnow at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 11:13:56 EDT 2008

On 03/06/2008, at 1:18 AM, Alessio Bolognino wrote:

> On Tue 2008-06-03 01:08, Sebastian Nowicki wrote:
>> On 02/06/2008, at 3:43 PM, Loui wrote:
>>> - try to avoid custom variables (_pkgdata). It is not needed and it
>>> only appears once.
>> Is that really such a bad thing? I just want to make it clear,  
>> since I've
>> been a bit confused about it for a while now. As far as I can tell  
>> the only
>> reason not to use custom variables is that the current AUR code base
>> doesn't support them (or maybe it does now?), so URLs and such have
>> unparsed variables in them. Apart from that I don't see any  
>> problems with
>> them, as long as it is made sure that they won't conflict with  
>> existing
>> package, and using an underscore will do that.
> What's the point of using a variable if it never changes and it is  
> used
> only once?

In this case it's not really necessary, I agree, but I was asking  
about the general use of "private" variables.

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