[aur-general] pkg_diff location

Allan McRae mcrae_allan at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 5 06:36:51 EDT 2008

Ronald van Haren wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 12:43 AM, Allan McRae <mcrae_allan at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> For those TUs who don't follow the arch-dev-public list (you really
>> should...),  the pkg_diff pages has not been updated in a while because Andy
>> is moving and has no internet connection.
>> Pierre has come up with a nicer looking version:
>> http://www.archlinux.de/?page=ArchitectureDifferences
>> From that list, you can see that community64, as always, needs some
>> attention.  I will do my part when I finish work.
>> Allan
> is there something wrong with my connection or is something blocking
> x86_64 uploads?
> I tried uploading calcurse twice to the new version, everything seems
> normal, but yet it does not appear in the repo
> #################################
> [ronald at Miranda calcurse]$ communitypkg
> {'size0': ['0'], 'numpkgs': ['1'], 'name0': ['calcurse-2.1-1.pkg.tar.gz']}
> Uploading: calcurse-2.1-1.pkg.tar.gz 123 kb
> 100 of 123 kb {'md5sum0': ['PASS'], 'numpkgs': ['1']}
> ===> Uploaded calcurse-2.1-1.pkg.tar.gz
> cvs commit: Examining .
> ===> Commited with "upgpkg: calcurse 2.1-1" message
> cvs tag: Tagging .
> ===> Tagged as CURRENT-64
> [ronald at Miranda calcurse]$
> #############################

See the missing package notification about 5 emails earlier.  Until that 
is fixed, other packages won't get put in the repo.


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