[aur-general] List of comminity64 failures?

Mikko Seppälä t-r-a-y at mbnet.fi
Tue Mar 18 04:34:58 EDT 2008

Allan McRae wrote:
> Is there a list of packages that can not be put in community64 due to 
> build failures/binary package etc?  I had a look through the wiki and 
> found http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch64_ToDoS which has no 
> community info.  Looking at the pkg diff page 
> (http://dev.archlinux.org/~andyrtr/pkg_diff.html) there are ~60 
> packages in i686 community but not in x86_64 community.  There is only 
> 1 in x86_64 but not in i686 which is not a lib32 package.  I'm going 
> to spend some time shortening this list but I'm sure some of these are 
> legitimately only i686.
> As an aside, something is wrong with the matching in the pkg_diff 
> page. Some packages appear twice in the list, once with a missing i686 
> version and once with a missing x86_64 version.  I think this is when 
> the is a major version difference between the platforms. e.g. gambas2 
> & yaz.
> Cheers,
> Allan
Very old list from times when there was no official community on x86_64
Still kinda inactive as final exams are going on. Last one will be next 
week. After that I rest a little and the next week will be a trip to 
London (free transportation for me so not going to pass).

Also cant find a way to set myself inactive in AUR webpages.

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