[aur-general] perl 5.10 is there

Ondřej Kučera ondrej.kucera at centrum.cz
Tue Mar 25 06:51:34 EDT 2008


On Sat, 22 Mar 2008 09:54:38 +0100
Firmicus <Firmicus at gmx.net> wrote:

> *Perl 5.10 is now in core.* I have started my perl commit/upload
> orgy...
> Sergej, please upload perl-libxml, perl-libxml-common, perl-net-dbus
> and perl-xml-rss as priority, because until it is done, all pkgs that
> depend on them (I have some) will be non-functional! Since I have
> built them for both architectures anyway, I could take care of them,
> if you want.
> Best,
> F

I'm not sure if "common users" are or aren't supposed to edit the wiki
and since I've actually never edited any wiki I won't try (at least
until I'm told to). But anyway - shouldn't the following part of
http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Perl_Policy be now removed?

'The version of perl 5.8.8 in the core repository does not reflect this

This policy is reflected in the next release of the perl 5.10.0 package
now in the testing repository. Please do not use convert or create new
perl module packages yet until perl 5.10.0-2 is released. 

This policy represents a major change in way Arch handles perl so
expect some rough edges. 

For a draft proposal of a current “perl packaging standard” see instead

As for http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Perl_Package_Guidelines -
that should perhaps be removed completely or at least marked as
obsolete with a link to Perl Policy page?


S pozdravem
Ondřej Kučera

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