[aur-general] AUR Cleanup Day organization

Geoffroy Carrier geoffroy.carrier at koon.fr
Sat May 3 06:38:42 EDT 2008

On 5/3/08, Allan McRae <mcrae_allan at hotmail.com> wrote:
>  This sounds interesting. So if I understand this correctly (which is a big
> assumption), the packages downloaded to your website? What do you mean by
> "make a report"?

Yes. Everything is on my server, including the bot's code and its logs.

Example session:

12:34 <@gcarrier> pacstik: how do you work?
12:34 < pacstik> gcarrier: I'm the Cleanup day AUR pkg downloader.
Just say :g pkgname, I'll archive it from AUR and make a report. I'm
owned by gcarrier.
12:34 <@gcarrier> :g puzzles
12:34 < pacstik> puzzles now available at
12:34 <@gcarrier> :g puzzling
12:34 < pacstik> Something went TERRIBLY wrong with puzzling, don't
expect it in my place.

And you get in irclogs :
[10:34:32] Joined #archlinux-cleanup
[12:34:47] Got puzzles.
[12:34:54] Failed at puzzling!

That's all.

Geoffroy Carrier

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