[aur-general] kernel updates render package obsolete

Mads Michelsen chochem at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 11:47:43 EST 2008

I'm maintaining the module package fsaa1655g
(http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=8281), a job I took
over as the package had for all intents and purposes been abandoned. 

My problem is that every time the kernel is updated - even the smallest
update - the package becomes obsolete. I'm pretty ignorant of these
things but I suppose that is how things are for some (a lot? all?)
non-kernel-modules.  The particular problem with this module is that
my laptop depends on it for wireless access (it turns on the wireless
radio) and so when the kernel is upgraded and the module isn't
immidiately upgraded with it, the laptop is restarted, the result is no
wireless - which can make it hard to get the module upgraded for one

So I guess my questions are:
1) Is there some way around the module becoming outdated with each and
every kernel update? and if not
2) For myself, I can just keep the source code on my drive and rebuild
it  whenever this happens -  but is there some way of altering the
PKGBUILD to do the same? 
3) Any other way around the issue apart from
quickly updating the package whenever there's a kernel upgrade?

- Mads

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