[aur-general] namcap reports

Abhishek Dasgupta abhidg at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 08:44:07 EDT 2008

Thanks to all of you for your comments!
As Xavier suggested, the reports are now for all the repos       
except testing. I didn't add testing because there would
be package name duplication in the log which would confuse
the script. Right now there's no way to distinguish between
the packages from the different repos, though.

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 06:43:49PM +0800, Callan Barrett wrote:
> This is really cool! How long does it take to parse all of community?
Generating namcap.log for core, extra and community
took three minutes on my desktop (core 2). After that,
the report generation takes a second or two.

I also fixed the RSS pubDate to be that of namcap.log's modification
time, as that makes more sense.

Abhishek Dasgupta <http://abhidg.mine.nu>
GPG 67972DOF pgp.mit.edu
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