[aur-general] TU application: Laszlo Papp

Heiko Baums lists at baums-on-web.de
Sat Aug 1 19:16:53 EDT 2009

Am Sat, 1 Aug 2009 23:11:51 +0200
schrieb Laszlo Papp <djszapi2 at gmail.com>:

> Hello Nezmer!
> You won't lose your packages if they are updated, work fine, and you
> are active in Archlinux community, I think so. I've seen example for
> that the maintainer wasn't available anymore, and someone could adopt
> his package. But i accepted your mail reply, consideration, thanks
> again.
> Best Regards,
> Laszlo Papp

Laszlo, this comment from Nezmer was something else, what caused my
doubts about your application. This still doesn't count, because I'm
still not a TU. ;-)

I don't know, what was going on there, and what you have written to
Nezmer. But what Nezmer has written in this thread sounds like you just
have asked him, if you could adopt one of his packages in AUR. I don't
know, why you did this. But usually there is a button "Flag as
out-of-date" in AUR, onto which one clicks if a package is outdated. If
the maintainer doesn't update it in a reasonable time - at least one or
better two or three weeks in case of vacation e.g. - then a comment can
be posted in AUR. If the maintainer still doesn't respond in a
reasonable time, he can be contacted by e-mail. And only if he then
still doesn't respond, the TUs can be asked to orphan the package in
this mailing list.

Also your answer above conveys the impression - I don't know, if it's a
matter of trust -, that you think, that you are already a TU or a
developer - I, of course, mean an Arch Linux developer, not a developer
in general. I mean, not you, but only the TUs and of course the current
maintainer decide, if a package in AUR gets orphaned.

You probably didn't mean it like that, but it's how it sounds. ;-)

So there I also have doubts, if you can deal with this correctly or if
you just orphan every package, you like. Because as a TU you had the
rights to orphan every package.

Regarding your other answers in your reply to my e-mail, I can tell
you, that I read all your e-mails in this thread. Nevertheless I still
have doubts. You theoretically can tell anything. Not meant offending.

Why are you so enthusiastic? Why do you want so absolutely become a TU?
Why are you so in a hurry? Why don't you just maintain some packages in
AUR as a normal user, write documentations in the Wiki, help people in
the forums or do anything else, what you like to do, for Arch Linux or
the community as a normal user?

In my last e-mail I spoke to the TUs, now I speak to you. I'd suggest
you to do anything else, what can be done as a normal user, in the next
time. Just be (an active) part of the community. Pay heed to what the
TUs have written in this thread. Just clear up the doubts - of course,
not aggressively like "Hey look, this is my new PKGBUILD" or by
justifying yourself in e-mails. ;-) Just show, what you can do as a
normal user. I think this is the best you can do, to clear up doubts.

I, of course, don't know, how the other TUs became a TU, what they have
done before, how long they were using Arch Linux before becoming a TU,
why they wanted to become a TU, etc. So I don't know, if I'm right with
my suggestions. Maybe a TU can tell you better or more, how you can
help the community and how to pioneer becoming a TU.

Just in case my impression about you is right, just be happy with what
you are doing for the community as a normal user for now. Don't link it
to being a TU.

But it's up to the TUs to decide about your application. These are just
my thoughts after reading this thread and your answer.


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