[aur-general] provides version for VCS packages

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Thu Dec 3 09:42:22 EST 2009

Jan de Groot wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-12-03 at 15:16 +0100, Côme Pruvost wrote:
>> Hello !
>> It's been some time I'm facing the same problem. When one build a
>> package from VCS, one should include the original package name
>> (usually $pkgname with -svn -git ... removed) in the provides array so
>> packages depending on the program provided can find it.
>> For example, if I want to package python-poppler-bzr, I will include
>> "provides=('python-poppler')" so desigle can satisfy its own
>> "depends=('python-poppler')".
>> But now, imagine that desigle needs a recent version of
>> python-poppler, and so it has "depends=('python-poppler>=0.2')".
>> Then, makepkg will not detect python-poppler provided by
>> python-poppler-bzr because it cannot compare versions.
>> One then have to specify the version of the package provided. In case
>> of a VCS, it's not always easy because it can change from a revision
>> to another. So one need a way to get that version, and use it in the
>> provides array.
> Solution 4: set PKG_CONFIG_PATH to the location where the package
> installs the .pc files. Then issue a nice:
> [jan at jan ~]$ pkg-config glib-2.0 --modversion
> 2.22.2
> and you'll have the version without using awk, grep and sed.

Can't you just use the full path instead of setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH? e.g.

pkg-config $pkgdir/usr/lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc --modversion

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