[aur-general] Please orphan "newton-dynamics-beta"

Andrei Thorp garoth at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 18:11:09 EDT 2009

Excerpts from Evangelos Foutras's message of Mon Jul 13 18:00:47 -0400 2009:
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 12:39 AM, Sven-Hendrik Haase<sh at lutzhaase.com> wrote:
> > I sent this request two days ago but it was obviously ignored or no TU
> > has been available for two days, therefore I'm sending it again:
> >
> > Hey,
> >
> > please orphan AUR package "newton-dynamics-beta" so that I may adopt it.
> > The original author doesn't seem to care and hasn't answered in over a
> > week to mail and comments. Additionally, the package is out of date.
> >
> > -- Sven-Hendrik
> Hi,
> One week isn't that long. It's possible that he's on holidays or in a
> situation that prevents him from updating his package and replying to
> e-mails.
> I would suggest to wait a couple more weeks before taking any action.

Not to be contrary, but usually people just say "And the guy hasn't
responed for a while" and that is enough for it to get orphaned.
Additionally, this package is out of date. It's theoretically possible
that he went on vacation 8 days ago, and it became out of date 7 days
ago, and this request came in after that... but it doesn't seem likely.

What would be nice is a TU standard for how long the person must not
respond for before the package gets orphaned. Perhaps one week is too
short, but it'd be nice to be consistent.
Andrei Thorp, Developer: Xandros Corp. (http://www.xandros.com)

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