[aur-general] readline GPL violation on two pkgs?

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi vmlinuz386 at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Jun 24 01:26:45 EDT 2009

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi wrote:
> Abhishek Dasgupta wrote:
>> 2009/6/24 Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi <vmlinuz386 at yahoo.com.ar>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I just do a quick scan of soft linked with readline and  I think that
>>> these two pkgs that are linked with readline violates GPL:
>>> extra/tftp-hpa
>>> community/ngspice
>>> Both have the "old" BSD (4-clause) license and is linked with readline
>>> that is GPL, so there is an incompatibility [#1]
>>> In the case of ngspice recomends to link with libedit to avoid legal
>>> issues [#2]
>> Okay, when I bump ngspice to r19 I'll link against libedit.
> Good, I just adopted the libedit pkg and reaconditioned the PKGBUILD.
> http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=18861
> So adopt it when make the update to ngspice ;)
> Removing your assignement from: FS#15165 - List of [community] packages
> that needs rebuild for readline 6.0
Btw now a rebuilded my local pkg of ngspice-r19 with libedit and seems
to works fine ;)

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi ( djgera )
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