[aur-general] Package Removal Request (various)

M Rawash mrawash at gmail.com
Sun Mar 1 18:52:35 EST 2009

here's a few packages that are no longer needed in AUR

- hamster-applet (part of gnome, in extra)
- xulrunner-devel (older than extra/xulrunner)
- ejourn (project no longer exists)
- openoffice.org-style-human (no longer exists)
- gnome-device-manager (part of gnome, in extra)
- gnome-panel-ubuntu (no longer exists)
- firefox-qt-mercurial-ubuntu (no longer exists)

i suggest the TU's do a "AUR cleanup day", we sort of had something like
that back in openSUSE, where the devs get together (on irc) and organise
a "bug squashing day" - basically we go into bugzilla and pickup invalid
and wontfix bugs and start deleting or otherwise fix/assign them -

M Rawash

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