[aur-general] Out-of-date community packages

Alexander Rødseth rodseth at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 08:43:12 EST 2009


The jython package is out of date in Community (2.2.1), while the
lastest version of Jython is 2.5.1
See: http://www.archlinux.org/packages/?q=jython

I wish there was an updated package of Jython in for instance
Community or AUR and I'm willing to make and maintain such a package.
I'm already maintaining several packages in AUR. See:

Since I'm not a TU and I understand that one should not create
packages in AUR that already exists, I wonder what I can do to mend
the current situation.
Should I apply to become a TU, just submit a package named "jython" to
AUR and/or request that the current jython package is deleted?
How is this kind of situation normally handled?

Best regards,
   Alexander Rødseth

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