[aur-general] [arch-dev-public] automatic package builder

Abhishek Dasgupta abhidg at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 04:47:02 EDT 2009

2009/9/25 Ronald van Haren <pressh at gmail.com>:
> Hey guys,
> Past week I was reading through the buildbot manual, but I decided not to
> use it. IMO it is far too complex, fat and not something which has the
> needed functionality easily available (you can extend it with python
> scripting, but what's the fun of that huh?)
> So yesterday I decided I will write my own. I'll give it some more though
> what functionality we need most (ability to prioritize tasks, manually
> adding tasks, getting changes from svn  to name a few).
> So what do I need from you?
> - name (what's a tool without a name huh?)

How about ogee? From wikipedia, Ogee is a type of arch which looks
very similar to the Arch Linux logo.

> - git-repo (not direct, but sometime in the next two weeks or so. Maybe we
> need to first pick a name too)
> - ideas. What do you guys want to see first? How do we want to get notified
> (daily mail, using a webpage which lists success of all completed/pending
> tasks, something else)? You get the idea, now is the time to speak up.

I think a website would be really cool. Something like Ubuntu's
PPA -- that system is really nice.


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