[aur-general] Augeas request

Thomas S Hatch thatch45 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 9 11:20:35 EST 2010

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 9:01 AM, jesse jaara <jesse.jaara at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2010/12/9 Thomas S Hatch <thatch45 at gmail.com>
> >
> > You see, the build process needs to create a tiny virtual machine image,
> > (the image is quite remarkable, a vm image for Arch in less than 50K) but
> > the process to create the image requires that all packages for the image
> be
> > available as binary downloads from a main Arch repo, aka core, extra and
> > community.
> >
> >
> Could you explain why it requires these pkgs to be in the repositorys?
> Im quite sure that it isint reallya MUST
> --
> (\_ /) copy the bunny to your profile
> (0.o ) to help him achieve world domination.
> (> <) come join the dark side.
> /_|_\ (we have cookies.)

Ok, the process of building the libguestfs virtual machine image, called
"supermin", must be executed as an unprivileged user during the libguestfs
make process. The supermin build process is managed by a program called
febootstrap, I had to write an additional module for febootstrap to support
Arch - (and the upstream devs rewrote febootstrap to make it possible -
because they are awesome).
but since the make process needs to run as an unprivileged user febootstrap
needs to download the required packages using pacman and then use tar to
extract them into place.

I could get around it by heavily modifying febootstrap so that I can pass a
third party repo into it that I maintain, but the libguestfs guys really
don't want those patches upstream and it will make a real mess of things.

So what it boils down to is that the make process requires pacman, and only
has access to the main repos, and there is only one package missing from
said repos that is required - augeas.


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