[aur-general] Request for kmetronome

Laurent Carlier lordheavym at gmail.com
Sat Jul 24 14:41:03 EDT 2010

Le samedi 24 juillet 2010 20:27:38, Dany Martineau a écrit :
>   Hi!
> Some time ago, I've send an email to the maintainer of kmetronome
> (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=17018) and did not receive an
> answer.  I asked him if he would like to update his PKGBUILD or if he
> would like me to maintain (it's hasn't been updated since 2008).
> I would like to become the maintainer of kmetronome if it's possible and
> update his PKGBUILD.
> Thanks!

Ok orphaned, and i hope you will provide a better PKGBUILD.

Have fun!

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