[aur-general] Delete Request

Peter Lewis pete at muddygoat.org
Wed Jun 2 18:28:31 EDT 2010


On Wednesday 02 Jun 2010 at 21:27 Nathan O. wrote:
> Can somebody delete http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=8306 The 
> homepage has changed and so has the pkgname

I'm not a TU or anything, so this is just a personal request. When people 
request package deletions, could they put the name of the package somewhere in 
the email (preferably the subject)? Following this thread, it's not possible 
to tell which package was deleted.

I tend to follow this list to track changes / deletions to packages I use, and 
once the packages are deleted the links to the AUR pages obviously no longer 

Thanks :-)


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