[aur-general] community cleanup: removal of nextaw

Stefan Husmann stefan-husmann at t-online.de
Sat Jun 12 13:40:55 EDT 2010

Am 12.06.2010 19:06, schrieb Sergej Pupykin:
>> On 06/12/2010 07:54 PM, Stefan Husmann wrote:
>>> this is a proposal to remove nextaw from community. It is not needed by
>>> any community package. It once was a dependency of siag-office, which
>>> has been moved to unsupported long ago and is still unmaintained there.
> I am not against removing, but as I understand
> http://siag.nu/neXtaw/usage.shtml nextaw is drop in replacement of
> libXaw. So all packages which depend on libxaw can be used with nextaw.

According to pkgstats not many people do so (0.13 %).

Cite: "Just replace libXaw.* or libXaw3d.* with libneXtaw.so.?.? and make all symlinks
that were pointing to libXaw point to libneXtaw "

That means to me, the user has to manually set symlinks, an if he is able to
understand this and to do so, he should also be able to compile from a PKGBUILD in AUR.

Regards Stefan

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