[aur-general] First step to become a TU

Laurent Carlier lordheavym at gmail.com
Wed Jun 23 04:14:28 EDT 2010

Hi, my name is Laurent Carlier (lordheavy).

I would like to become a TU, so decided to go through the first step : find a 

I'm a linux user since '98, archer for about 2 years now (i've got some 
mandrake/debian/LFS/openbsd/...) and i'm adept of free software and KISS 

Got knowledges about c/c++/bash/autotools/cmake/git/svn/..., and currently an 
active developper of the gambas project. I maintain some packages in aur see 
http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=lordheavy .

I've proposed a PKGBUILD for a splitted gambas2 package see 

Feel free for questions :-)


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