[aur-general] "tower-girls", was Re: TU application for Sven-Hendrik Haase

jwbirdsong jwbirdsong at jwbirdsong.homelinux.com
Fri Jun 25 21:20:30 EDT 2010

  On 06/25/2010 07:11 PM, Ng Oon-Ee wrote:
> On 06/26/10 at 08:42am, Ng Oon-Ee wrote:
>> On Fri, 2010-06-25 at 17:47 -0400, Andrew Antle wrote:
>>>> I've always been quite proud that the free / open source software
>>>> world has
>>>> projects like these:
>>>> http://women.debian.org/home/
>>>> http://community.kde.org/KDE_Women
>>>> http://live.gnome.org/GnomeWomen
>>>> I know the comments were just supposed to be a bit of fun, but
>>>> perhaps they
>>>> highlight that something like wouldn't be a bad idea in Arch too.
>>>> Pete.
>>> Patches welcome :) , preferably from women actually involved in Arch,
>>> not pseudo-politically-correct males trying to make themselves feel
>>> better.
>> +1000. I haven't actually seen any females on the forum/IRC/mailing list
>> (though to be fair names from some cultures are androgynous to my eyes).
>> Recently on this list someone posted up linuxTag photos, there were more
>> signs of Microsoft than women in those pics.
>> I think this conversation has exhausted its lifetime though to be fair.
> And then some!!
>> Back to the TU application!
> Thank you!
Sorry about the "from" and dups on those.  Trying some new setting in 
mutt  apparently I failed.

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