[aur-general] TU resignation

Ionut Biru biru.ionut at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 03:18:00 EST 2010

On 03/08/2010 02:36 AM, bardo wrote:
> It's with great sadness that I feel the need to leave my position as a
> Trusted User in Arch. In the last few months I haven't been able to
> keep up with my duties, and I feel that resigning is the best thing I
> can do at the moment, since real life is taking much more time than
> there is in a day and I can't keep up with the high standards that
> Arch deserves. I'd like to thank each and everyone at the Arch team,
> this has been a fun ride and I learned a lot in these years. Hopefully
> I'll be back contributing someday, maybe not in the same way, but
> whatever. Surely I'll stick around, however, as much as my free time
> allows me.
> At the moment I own a few dozens of packages in [community], and since
> I'd like to make the transition as smooth as possible, a little report
> follows, I marked as OOD the ones which need to be updated, adopt the
> ones you like. I hope this is helpful.
> Take care,
> Corrado

good luck and take care. is sad to see how the old crew is vanishing.

>   * rss-glx: 3d screen-savers, usually gives a few problems with
> .desktop files. See http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/18300

i'll take this since i'm using it and i want to improve it. also any 
other packages that are depends to my packages, one that i think is 


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