[aur-general] [community] repository cleanup

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Tue Nov 16 16:07:28 CET 2010

On 17/11/10 00:53, Heiko Baums wrote:
> Am Wed, 17 Nov 2010 00:34:51 +1000
> schrieb Allan McRae<allan at archlinux.org>:
>> There is a difference between ignorance and not giving a shit...
> Right, giving a shit is also arrogant.

So now you are equating arrogant and ignorant?   And did you miss a 
"not" there?  Because "giving a shit" is rarely arrogant unless you take 
it too an extreme.

In conclusion, you make very poor arguments with logical fallacies 
everywhere.  No wonder you never seem to get your way.

(the ever pedantic bastard...)

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