[aur-general] Various new packages in [community]

Lukáš Jirkovský l.jirkovsky at gmail.com
Wed Nov 17 13:18:43 CET 2010

On 17 November 2010 13:15, Imanol Celaya <ornitorrincos at archlinux-es.org> wrote:
>> pyopencl
>> http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=31416
>> Cheers,
>> Stéphane
> problem with packages which use opencl(at least with nvidia) is that
> it requires the cuda toolkit, a binary package that I'm not sure about
> the redistribution rights(should read the license)
> and then look how to handle the opencl dependiencies as both amd and
> nvidia provide icd and in theory both can cohexist(so maybe a
> provides=('opencl') ?)
> so, yes, opencl maybe better to wait
> Imanol

I don't think they need cuda toolkit. I'm using OpenCL on nvidia with
just nvidia-utils and opencl-headers installed.

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