[aur-general] Proposal: Mass AUR Cleanup

Brad Fanella bradfanella at archlinux.us
Sun Oct 3 14:51:48 EDT 2010

On Mon, Oct 04, 2010 at 03:18:19AM +0800, Ray Rashif wrote:
> On 4 October 2010 03:11, Konstantinos Karantias <kostis at gtklocker.com> wrote:
> > But also, orphaning all the packages that fit into this category is unsure.
> >
> > Some people may have orphaned the for fun or something. It has happened to
> > me many times.
> Please post your replies below quotes.
> Anyway, we cannot mass-orphan them without checking. It is simply not
> right, no matter the statistics. For example, cutegod [1] is owned by
> Dragonlord, a TU. He might have his reasons. Like him, many others who
> are not TUs might have their reasons.
> Anyway, I consider this more of a TODO.
> [1] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=14119

Well, in most cases, they are flagged out of date for a good reason.

For example, cutegod no longer has a project page up nor is the actual source available.

How 'bout someone writes up something nice such as the "Python 2.7/3.1 package list" on the Dev interface? 

-- Brad

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