[aur-general] ttf-ubuntu

Lukas Fleischer archlinux at cryptocrack.de
Wed Oct 13 08:45:01 EDT 2010

On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 02:02:18PM +0200, Massimiliano Torromeo wrote:
> I adopted [3] recently (updated and cleaned-up the PKGBUILD), and
> would like to add that [1] and [2] indicate the wrong licence.
> The fonts are released under the Ubuntu Font Licence, not GPL.

Agreed, but this can be changed easily. I just informed the maintainer
using AUR comments.

I'd say you just contact the ttf-ubuntu-family-fonts maintainer and
agree on one package to keep (at least with ttf-ubuntu-family-fonts and
ttf-ubuntu-font-family). In case of doubt, this might be the package
with the better name, but I'm sure you'll be able to agree upon one of

The beta package should imho be orphaned if the maintainer doesn't want
to maintain it anymore and only be deleted if there's a good reason for
deletion (e.g. if there are no future beta releases).

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