[aur-general] TU Application

Lukas Fleischer archlinux at cryptocrack.de
Wed Oct 27 02:25:40 EDT 2010

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 12:33:51AM -0400, Kaiting Chen wrote:
> I currently maintain thirty packages in the AUR, most of which I do not use
> but would be unhappy in seeing them orphaned.

Could you please add a link to your AUR packages? :)

> I would also like to work on maintain the Arch web presence. I think that a
> separate login is needed for each part of the site is something that should
> be fixed. 

Single sign-on might be a cool thing but is really hard to implement and
maintain properly in practice, especially if there's a large number of
independent modules that have to be integrated. Most of the projects I
implemented SSO for went back to separate logins after some time, just
because it was too much effort to maintain integration for all

I don't say it's impossible but it's a lot of work.

> The AUR is also somewhat outdated and I in large part agree with the
> page here: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_2.

Well, the AUR is simple, easy to use and just works. Loui and me are
also working on some improvements and fixes right now. Tho I agree that
the AUR code base is a bit outdated and some parts should better be

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