[aur-general] number of TUs was Re: voting period: Brad Fanella

Christopher Brannon cmbrannon79 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 06:24:02 EDT 2010

Peter Lewis <pete at muddygoat.org> writes:

> This just got me wondering - is there an ideal number of TUs that you want 
> there to be? Should people just continue applying if they have the know-how 
> and time, or else are there "enough" TUs at the moment? What's the feeling on 
> that?

Have a look at this thread from the forums:

More is better.  The packages/TU ratio will decrease as the number of
TUs increases, and it will be more likely that a TU uses the packages he
or she maintains.
If you want to be a TU, find a sponsor and apply.

-- Chris
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