[aur-general] Fwd: Extra package [jack] marked out-of-date

Ray Rashif schiv at archlinux.org
Mon Sep 27 02:46:48 EDT 2010

Hi all

Forwarding to the AUR list because it seems my reply did not reach the
user (Christoph Pegel aka  "rio"); jack was marked out-of-date again.
Please read below and don't do this for a third time.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ray Rashif <schiv at archlinux.org>
Date: 23 September 2010 03:53
Subject: Re: Extra package [jack] marked out-of-date
To: rio at eta-ori.net


JACK2 is not going to replace JACK1 anytime soon.

There has been at least one discussion regarding this on the Linux
Audio User and/or Developer mailing lists, where Paul Davis, one of
the primary developers/contributors, discourage distributions to make
this transition (eyes were on those that actually did it). I do not
recall the topic URI to cite, but anyone curious can get in touch with
upstream to verify.

Both branches have functioning APIs - the JACK1 API is tried and
tested. JACK2 is an improvement and an alternative for SMP machines,
but not a replacement.

However, thanks for the nudge. I have been wanting to add a "jack2" to
the repos but never got to it. Expect it in [community].


On 23 September 2010 02:04, Arch Website Notification
<nobody at archlinux.org> wrote:
> * Note: this is an automated message
> rio at eta-ori.net wants to notify you that the following package may be out of date:
>    Package Name: jack
>    Architecture: x86_64
>    Repository:   Extra
>    (http://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/jack/)
> The user provided the following additional text:
> Jack switched to JACK2 series which is currently stable in version 1.9.5 according to http://jackaudio.org/node/29 or even in version 1.9.6 according to http://www.grame.fr/~letz/jackdmp.html
> There already is a PKGBUILD for JACK 1.9.6 in the AUR at http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=22488

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